It's true what they often say about the popularity of pop-ups. The notion of short-lived exclusivity, that raises the stakes even further, and the 'kiasu' (mind my Singaporean slang) mindset that arises from the fear of missing out or losing out to others in a instagram tussle. These are the factors that captivates us.
Speaking of pop-ups, I believe there is one that is worth the hype and the additional calories bonded to it. Rupert and Ruby located on Stanley Street in Woolloomooloo is a force to be reckoned with, backed with culinary ingenuity from chef Eli Challenger and managerial wizardry of Aaron Pearce; this pop-up has made it a long way to its current home stay and the proof of its sweet victory is in the pudding.
Plopping ourselves down by the bar, we had the privilege of exploring first hand experiences with the kitchen crew. Questions adrift and the darting our eyes over glamorous plates being stylised before the pass; this built up our anticipation immensely. And since we've heard dozens of similar recommendations from others, we went straight in for the favourites. Firstly, the Notorious K.F.C ($24), an exhilarating mix of golden fried buttermilk chicken with bubbled spiced crust, tickled with a pulse quickening drizzle of honey butter and then reinforced with a stack of coleslaw. THIS, was everything I could wish for in a fried chicken dish, deliciously rich and salty, each and every nugget of chicken proving to be juicy and tender. The slaw was balanced to the t, properly creamy, a perfect foil for the meat. A slight excessive bitterness from the radicchio helping to keep things in check and cutting through the fats.
Then there was Ruby's Skirt ($29) , wagyu skirt steak ferociously charred on the grill sits seductively like Marilyn Monroe on a bed of mushroom duxelle perforated by hunky bits of sauteed wild mushrooms; a tumble of fried yam chips adds to the earthy pageantry of the dish. The expert precision on the deliverance of the components providing firm pronouncement of Rupert and Ruby's no-nonsense policy when it comes to execution.
I, for one, was persuaded by the kitchen tactics and smitten by the excellent service on the floor. Somehow, I wish they were here to stay as a permanent fixture; but since that's not the case, I can only give you valuable advice to pay the outlet a visit before its closure in December. May the pictures speak volumes on my behalf.
Rupert & Ruby
78 Stanley St
t: 02 7901 0396

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